I’m Back!!! I have not bloged since my father’s Birthday. A lot of things have been happening, I now weigh 13lbs 2oz as of last Tuesday. I have had many visitors over. Rowie(Greta’s Mom), Opa(Greta’s Dad), EB(Jason’s Mom) Daddy B(Jason’s Dad), Granddaddy Red, my great Grandfather, Nita, my great Grandmother, Jonathan, Sally Kate, well a lot of people. My favorite team Ole Miss is not looking good in the football department and this has made me cry, a lot.
My good friend William Mayo, or W. as I like to call him was baptized, my dad is his Godfather. I went, everyone was there. My dad's friend Richard held me most of the time. I think he is getting ready for their baby that will be here in March. I just been growing and hanging out with my Mom and Dad.
Below are a lot of pictures over the past month and a half.



Me and Opa

Me, EB and Daddy B



Me and Granddaddy Red

Me and Nita

Four Generations

Me, Daddy and Granddaddy Red

Daddy B and Me

Nap Time

Me, Jonathan and Sally Kate

Bath Time

Family Picture

Izzie love Me

I saw Daddy doing this so I tried it out.

Getting Sleepy

Me and Emily Kate

Me and Mommy

Nap Time

Me and Uncle Richard

Me and Daddy